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Porcelain tile is one of the most versatile products in home design. Its beauty and durability make it the perfect floor tile, wall tile, backsplash tile, countertop, patio or pool tile.

Sourced from all over the world, porcelain tile has come to be recognized as a decorative, reliable option for a variety of household and commercial applications. This hardy tile offers unique practical benefits as well as a classy and refined look.

With porcelain tile, you are gaining the benefit of a classy, refined look for your interior, particularly in bathrooms, laundry rooms and kitchens. Porcelain tile offers a significant level of practicality; the benefits of durability, hardness, and moisture, and frost resistance are its most obvious traits.

Equally, porcelain tile has a smooth, attractive surface, lending any interior an air of simple beauty and refinement that remains unique. It is little wonder that porcelain tile has been the tile of choice in many areas, given these advantages. Porcelain tile stands as a choice which offers the best in refined beauty and unique practicality – the best of both worlds!

Why Select Porcelain for Your Project?

  • Porcelain tile is produced by using the dust-pressed method. This method involves compressing nearly dry porcelain clay between two metal dies or frames. When the tiles are formed, they are allowed to dry slowly before being fired in an insulated kiln heated to over 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. This produces a dense, fine-grained, smooth tile surface with a very low water absorption rate (less than 0.5%) and high resistance to frost.
  • Beauty, durability, low water absorption and frost resistance make porcelain tile perfect product to use in kitchens, bathrooms, fireplaces, flooring, patios and swimming pools.
  • Bacteria do not adhere well to porcelain tiles, making it
    hygienic and more suited for bath, shower, laundry and kitchen areas

Glazed porcelain tiles are much harder and more wear and damage resistant than non-porcelain, or ceramic tiles, making them suitable for any application from light traffic to the heaviest residential and light commercial

Full body porcelain tiles carry the color and pattern through the entire thickness of the tile making them virtually impervious to wear and are suitable for any application from residential to the highest traffic commercial
or industrial applications.

What is the Difference Between Porcelain & Ceramic Tile?

Tile terminology can be confusing. Most types of tiles that are made from clay or a mixture of clay and other materials, then kiln-fired, are considered to be a part of the larger classification called “Ceramic Tiles”. These tiles can be split into two groups, porcelain tiles and non-porcelain tiles. These non-porcelain tiles are frequently referred to as ceramic tiles by themselves, separate from porcelain tiles.

“Ceramic” or non-porcelain tiles are generally made from red or white clay fired in a kiln. They are almost always finished with a durable glaze which carries the color and pattern. These tiles are used in both wall tile and floor tile applications, are softer and easier to cut than porcelain, and usually carry a PEI 0 to 3 rating. Non-porcelain ceramic tiles are usually suitable for very light to moderate traffic and generally have a relatively higher water absorption rating making them less frost resistant and they are more
prone to wear and chipping than porcelain tiles.

Can Ceramic Tile be Used Outdoors?

To be used outdoors, we recommend the tile must be frost proof
and unglazed for floor use. Make sure the absorption rate is 0.5% or less.

What is the Difference Between Glazed and Full-Body porcelain?

Glazed tiles are coated with a liquid glass, which is then baked into the surface of the clay. The glaze provides an unlimited array of colors and designs as well as protects the tile from staining. The unglazed tiles are pretty much the same as the glazed tile, except that their surface is not coated. Full-body porcelain tiles do not show wear because their color extends throughout the tile, making them ideal for commercial applications.

Do You Seal Porcelain Tile?

A glazed tile is already stain proof, so there is no purpose to putting on a sealer. You may put a penetrating sealer on your unglazed tile or your grout joints. The penetrating sealer is an invisible, stain resistant shield that is absorbed into the surface.

What is PEI Rating and How It Applies to Tile?

  1. PEI classes range from 0 to 5. The Porcelain Enamel Institute rating scale is not a measurement of quality. It is a scale that clearly indicates the areas of use each manufacturer recommends and has designed their tile to fit. The technical aspects such as surface abrasion resistance will be considered and must be achieved first before aesthetic effects are incorporated.

Class 0 – No Foot Traffic:

Wall tile only and should not be used on floors.

Class 1 – Very light traffic:

Very low foot traffic, bare or stocking feet only. (Master bath,
spa bathroom).

Class 2 – Light Traffic:

Slipper or soft-soled shoes. Second level main bathroom areas,

Class 3 – Light to Moderate Traffic:

Any residential area except for some entries
and kitchens if extremely heavy or abrasive traffic is anticipated.

Class 4 – Moderate to Heavy Traffic:

High foot traffic, areas where abrasive or outside dirt could be
tracked. Residential entry, kitchen, balcony, and countertop.

Class 5 – Heavy Traffic:

Ceramic tile suggested for residential, commercial and
institutional floor subjected to heavy traffic.

How Glazed Tile Compare to Non-Glazed Tile?

As always, you are faced with finding a balance between the practical and the decorative. With ceramic, you get both. But among glazed and unglazed ceramic tile, which ones would be the most appropriate for your space?

In terms of how they are made, there is no difference between glazed and unglazed ceramic tile, other than the fact that glazed tiles undergo an additional phase in the firing process with a layer of liquid glass added by means of very high temperatures.

Porcelain Tile Care & Maintenance

Cleaning ceramic tile flooring is generally a low-maintenance job. The first thing to do when cleaning ceramic tile floors is to clear the floor of any surface dirt or grit which is likely to contribute to wear. This can be done simply with a broom and your vacuum cleaner with a soft tile attachment.
Then, use warm water and a mop to clear away any residual dust.

One of the more challenging aspects involved in cleaning ceramic tile floors is the grout, which can pick up mold and mildew easily, depending on how much exposure your floor has had to moisture. Other than with your toothbrush and your hands and knees, a more comfortable and less time-consuming way of keeping the grout clean is steam cleaning. Ceramic tile can be restored and made to look more closely to its original condition with the help of a few steam cleaning products.

With ceramic tile flooring, you’ve made an excellent choice for a
tile flooring option that is both attractive and durable. By taking care to
maintain your flooring, you will extend the special beauty that ceramic tile
flooring lends to your room.

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Please note that the information on this page is a general summary of industry-accepted standards and tips regarding natural stone considerations, applications and care. We have compiled this information to help you in your stone selection and care. MGSI is not involved in geological testing and has no formal proof of the information presented in the article and relies on industry wide information and standards. MGSI will not be responsible for any direct or indirect claims and damages, resulting from the improper application and/or interpretation of this information. Please note that natural stone varies substantially. Ask your stone specialist what works best for your project